Farmbot is an Australian AgTech company that puts the farmer first with simple to install and use, high impact sensors. Their initial products, satellite and 3G connected monitors measure and analyse water use and consumption in stock tanks, dams, turkeys nests and irrigation channels. Farmbot monitors are specifically designed to be self-installed and operational within 10 minutes of receiving the monitors and are considered to be the most cost competitive remote monitoring solution in Australia. Farmers access the real-time information through their PC or mobile phone 24x7 ensuring visibility of water level issues before they become significant and helping them better understand water usage. Farmbot brings simple and effective solutions to a space that can often be unnecessarily complicated.
James Walker, General Manager - North, Ceres Agricultural Company, describes Farmbot monitors as “a product we now find essential to our day-to-day operations. The ability to look at and collate water usage and available water at the source is an invaluable tool for managing our operations...without the risk of an animal health issue the next day”. This project is sponsored by Sparklabs Cultiv8.